How to Spot Clean Wool Rugs & Carpet
When faced with spills, speed is of the essence and applying the right treatments promptly will help prevent stains and lasting damage. Wool is naturally stain repellent and liquids will form beads and sit on the surface of the fiber allowing you to time to blot. Keep in mind, not all wool rugs are the same and higher quality rugs will clean up better.
Begin by scooping up any solids, we recommend using a spoon or spatula.
Liquids can be absorbed by blotting with a white paper towel or cotton terry towel.
For minor spills Think splash of coffee, a chunk of avocado or dribble of a saucy meatball, simply wet a clean towel with water. You want it wet but not dripping with water. Blot the spot, dripping a bit of water on the area and blot all around the spot. In many instances, this concludes you cleaning. Let it dry and if it doesn't have a odor or discoloration once dry you are good to go.
For significant spills Think a whole glass of milk, large pet accident, more than a tablespoon of oil based liquid.
- if you can see the design of the rug from the underside, put a few towels underneath the rug to keep the pad and or flooring and to help wick moisture from the fibers.
- If your rug has a backing or is tacked down to the floor or stairs, this is not an option. SKIP STEPS 2 & 4, use less water and blot and expect to repeat steps.
1. Fill a large cup or bowl with room temperature water and a few drops of dish soap per cup of water. Apply this mixture by slowly pouring onto the rug. For open backed rugs and a serious spill, go ahead and dump a bunch right on there. Pet urine, milk etc. should be flushed out by pushing this mixture (and later plain water) from the top through the back side and into the towels you previously set out is the goal.
2. Change out or refold the towels you placed under the rug after applying soap and water.
3. Apply plain water in the same method used above with the soap and water.
4. Change out or refold the towels so a clean and dry towel is touching the underside of the rug after applying plain water.
5. Put a clean towel large enough to fully cover all wet areas on the top side of the rug. Put something heavy on the towels, we like several heavy books with free weights, an upturned stool and cast iron pans work great too. Leave this for about 8 hours but no more than 24 hours.
6. Remove all towels and access the situation. If possible, open backed rugs should be lifted off the floor so air can circulate underneath and help dry it out.
7. Allow to dry. remember that wool can feel dry but may show a darker spot that is actually just dampness and not the remnants of a spill.
8. Once fully dry reassess your spot. If something still remains, repeat all steps from the beginning. It can take 3 or more applications to fully remove a heavy soil, especially if you are working with a backed rug or installed carpet
For special spills, see the chart below
When applying these cleaning agents, never apply them directly to the carpet, apply them to a cloth then apply agent to the carpet and use a small quantity at a time. Less is more!
*Mud: It is best to leave mud to dry then vacuum it off the surface of the carpet.
Cleaning Agents for Spot Removal:
Detergent Solution -
Mix one teaspoon of clear dish washing liquid with a cup of warm water. After applying to the carpet this solution must be well rinsed with clear water.
Ammonia Solution -
Mix one tablespoon of clear household ammonia (3% solution) with 1/2 cup of water. After using, this solution must be neutralized with vinegar solution.
Vinegar Solution -
Mix 1/3 cup of white vinegar with 2/3 cup of water.
Solvent -
Mineral Spirits
Absorbent Cleaners -
As always if you are not confident on how best to clean a spill: remove any solids, blot out as much of the spill as you can with a white cloth and warm water. The less you do the better. Then contact us to have your rug professionally cleaned.